We gratefully accept your generous support in a number of ways.
You may make a one-time contribution directly to the Academy.
We also proudly participate in the Combined Federal Campaigns (CFC) of both the United Way of South Hampton Roads and the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula. The Academy also is included in the United Way of South Hampton Roads’ Combined Charities Campaign (CCC). If you’d like to make your gift to The Academy through one of these campaigns, please use the agency code 79161.
We also have an endowment fund at The Hampton Road Community Foundation.
Donations to a non-profit organization or charity that is classified under 501(c)[3] are often tax deductible. The Academy Of Music is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Everybody’s tax situation is different, so consult with your tax professional to determine how you may benefit from this. The Academy accepts donations online, by check or money order sent to the office or by credit card through calling the office. Please advise us if your employer has a matching gift program.
Our tax ID is 54-1764269
Thank you in advance for your generous support!
John Dixon, Executive Director