Scholarship Renewal Application

Full and partial scholarships are based on financial need and are subject to the success of The Academy’s fundraising efforts. This renewal form is required for those seeking the continuation of scholarship benefits. Continuation is also dependent upon the student’s progress and fulfillment of contract conditions. The Scholarship Committee will review this form and the Teacher Recommendation Form, which must be submitted by the teacher, before making a decision.

If scholarship renewal is approved, the student agrees to the following conditions:

1. The student will be prepared and attend all classes on time, unless a documented emergency occurs.

2. The student agrees to participate in any Academy activity beyond the scheduled classes.

3. In the event that a partial scholarship is awarded, the student agrees to pay the balance due by established deadlines.

4. If household income changes, the student must notify The Academy immediately.

The Academy of Music is a nonprofit equal opportunity organization. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, ethnic origin, color, sex or religious belief in any of its scholarship awards or programs.

Renewal Application