Band-Together is a pilot program that provides instrumental music instruction for individuals with and without disabilities on traditional band instruments (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion.) Taught by Baxley Roberts and William Erickson, the program offers individual or small group lessons and a weekly evening ensemble rehearsal starting in July 2024.
The objectives of the Band-Together pilot program are to:
- Provide a high level of instrumental music instruction for individuals of all abilities.
- Give individuals with disabilities the opportunity to learn a band instrument.
- Teach group cooperation, team work and ensemble playing skills.
- Bring people in the community together to perform and enjoy music, supporting each other in an ensemble experience.
Registration: Registration is open to any students age 10 years old/5th grade through adults who play flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, and percussion.
Registration and Fees:
Ensemble only: $35/semester.
Ensemble and weekly or bi-weekly lessons: $100/semester.
Registration fee includes a t-shirt and will be billed by the office in September, January or when a new student enrolls. Scholarships will be made available if needed.
Musicians who are in the Ensemble can also take a weekly/bi-weekly lesson with Baxley or Will as part of the program. Beginners not ready to be in the ensemble can take lessons through the Band-Together program as room and funding allows. Other wind players should apply through The Academy of Music for scholarship, if needed.
Attendance Policy: Musicians are required to attend 10 of the 12 scheduled rehearsals in the first semester and 12 of the 14 scheduled rehearsals in the second semester. If musicians are not able to attend these rehearsals, they will be asked to step out of the program for the semester. Students registered for weekly lessons should give 24 hours notice if they cannot make the lesson (text or phone teacher) and will be charged $40 for the lesson, billed by The Academy of Music.
Band Mentors: High School, College or adult musicians are encouraged to apply to be Band Mentors. Requirements:
- Minimum of 3 years experience on the instrument
- Recommendation from a teacher
- Ability to participate in all (or most) Band-Together Community Ensemble rehearsals.
Lesson and Rehearsal Schedule:
Small group and individual lessons will be scheduled throughout the week with students grouped by ability and age levels. Students with 1-2 years on instrument will be required to take lessons in order to participate in the ensemble while lessons are optional for those with more than 2 years experience and recommendation of a band/music teacher. All lessons will take place at Royster Memorial Presbyterian Church, Norfolk.
The Band-Together Community Ensemble will meet on Wednesday evenings, 6:00-8:00 PM at Royster Memorial Presbyterian. Students need at least one full year of instruction on their instrument to participate in the ensemble.
To pay registration and fees, please click here.